Super long-term bonds

Super long-term bonds

This page shows the Super long-term bonds to be issued and the Super long-term bonds that have been issued.

Terms and conditions are published for last two years.

20yr Bond

Series Maturity
(billion yen)
Terms and
39 20 0.905 100.00 20 15-Jul-2022 27-Jul-2022 20-Jun-2042
38 20 0.434 100.00 40 14-Jul-2021 27-Jul-2021 20-Jun-2041
37 20 0.444 100.00 40 22-Jul-2020 4-Aug-2020 20-Jun-2040 24kb
36 20 0.281 100.00 20 19-Jul-2019 30-Jul-2019 20-Jun-2039 -
35 20 0.525 100.00 20 13-Jul-2018 25-Jul-2018 18-Jun-2038 -
34 20 0.668 100.00 20 12-Jul-2017 24-Jul-2017 19-Jun-2037 -
33 20 0.180 100.00 20 7-Jul-2016 20-Jul-2016 20-Jun-2036 -
32 20 1.293 100.00 40 17-Jun-2015 26-Jun-2015 20-Jun-2035 -
31 20 1.238 100.00 30 5-Dec-2014 22-Dec-2014 20-Sep-2034 -
30 20 1.508 100.00 30 19-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2014 20-Jun-2034 -
29 20 1.57 100.00 30 6-Dec-2013 20-Dec-2013 20-Sep-2033 -
28 20 1.59 99.84 30 10-May-2013 21-May-2013 18-Mar-2033 -
27 20 1.68 99.94 20 7-Mar-2013 18-Mar-2013 20-Dec-2032 -
26 20 1.74 99.96 30 15-Jun-2012 26-Jun-2012 18-Jun-2032 -
25 20 1.80 100.00 25 13-Jan-2012 24-Jan-2012 19-Dec-2031 -
24 20 1.98 99.86 40 17-Jun-2011 28-Jun-2011 20-Jun-2031 -
23 20 2.12 99.88 30 4-Mar-2011 15-Mar-2011 20-Dec-2030 -
22 20 1.92 99.93 20 7-Jul-2010 16-Jul-2010 20-Jun-2030 -
21 20 2.19 99.95 20 15-Jan-2010 26-Jan-2010 20-Dec-2029 -
20 20 2.09 99.88 30 7-Oct-2009 19-Oct-2009 20-Sep-2029 -
19 20 2.13 99.85 40 3-Jul-2009 14-Jul-2009 20-Jun-2029 -
18 20 2.22 99.98 30 13-May-2009 22-May-2009 19-Mar-2029 -
17 20 2.09 99.98 30 4-Mar-2009 13-Mar-2009 20-Dec-2028 -
16 20 2.01 100.00 40 15-Jan-2009 26-Jan-2009 20-Dec-2028 -
15 20 2.32 99.87 30 12-Nov-2008 21-Nov-2008 20-Sep-2028 -
14 20 2.31 100.00 20 13-May-2008 22-May-2008 17-Mar-2028 -
13 20 2.15 99.93 20 22-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008 20-Dec-2027 -
12 20 2.31 99.96 20 19-Oct-2007 30-Oct-2007 17-Sep-2027 -
11 20 2.22 100.00 20 11-May-2007 22-May-2007 19-Mar-2027 -
10 20 2.33 100.00 20 1-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 18-Sep-2026 -
9 20 2.44 99.87 20 4-Aug-2006 15-Aug-2006 19-Jun-2026 -
8 20 2.36 99.93 20 1-Jun-2006 12-Jun-2006 19-Mar-2026 -
7 20 2.16 99.85 30 7-Oct-2005 21-Oct-2005 19-Sep-2025 -
6 20 2.00 100.00 20 7-Jun-2005 20-Jun-2005 19-Mar-2025 -
5 20 2.11 99.86 20 8-Apr-2005 21-Apr-2005 19-Mar-2025 -
4 20 2.22 100.00 20 28-Nov-2004 11-Nov-2004 20-Sep-2024 -
3 20 2.26 99.92 30 14-May-2004 27-May-2004 19-Mar-2024 -
2 20 1.97 99.85 20 27-Dec-2003 10-Dec-2003 20-Sep-2023 -
1 20 1.54 99.98 20 1-Aug-2003 21-Aug-2003 20-Jun-2023 -

30yr Bond

Series Maturity
(billion yen)
Terms and
21 30 1.594 100.00 15


20-Dec-2022 20-Sep-2052
20 30 0.722 100.00 30


10-Dec-2021 20-Sep-2051
19 30 0.725 100.00 30


11-Dec-2020 20-Sep-2050
18 30 0.948 100.00 20


14-Mar-2017 20-Dec-2046 -
17 30 0.479 100.00 20


10-Jun-2016 19-Mar-2046 -
16 30 1.609 100.00 40


17-Jul-2015 20-Jun-2045 -
15 30 1.827 100.00 30 2-Jul-2014 11-Jul-2014 20-Jun-2044 -
14 30 2.05 99.82 50 3-Jul-2013 12-Jul-2013 19-Jun-2043 -
13 30 1.93 99.88 30 20-Jul-2012 31-Jul-2012 19-Mar-2042 -
12 30 2.12 99.80 20 9-Sep-2011 21-Sep-2011 20-Sep-2041 -
11 30 2.19 99.84 30 10-Sep-2010 22-Sep-2010 20-Sep-2040 -
10 30 2.31 99.84 20 20-Nov-2009 2-Dec-2009 20-Sep-2039 -
9 30 2.37 99.89 30 10-Sep-2009 24-Sep-2009 18-May-2039 -
8 30 2.23 99.82 30 04-Feb-2009 16-Feb-2009 17-Sep-2038 -
7 30 2.51 100.00 20 12-Nov-2008 21-Nov-2008 17-Sep-2038 -
6 30 2.58 99.83 10 1-Feb-2008 13-Feb-2008 18-Sep-2037 -
5 30 2.74 99.83 20 21-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006 19-Mar-2036 -
4 30 2.55 99.85 20 8-Apr-2005 21-Apr-2005 20-Dec-2034 -
3 30 2.67 99.95 20 3-Jun-2004 16-Jun-2004 20-Mar-2034 -
2 30 2.30 99.91 10 1-Dec-2003 12-Dec-2003 20-Sep-2033 -
1 30 2.21 99.80 10 10-Oct-2003 24-Oct-2003 20-Jun-2033 -

Neither the information nor the opinions herein constitute, or are to be construed as, an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or buy the securities referred to herein.  You are therefore reminded that Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, the contents of this material.  All the necessary information to make your investment decision must be obtained from banks or securities firms who solicit the concerned securities to you.
