10yr Bond | TMG Issuance Result

10yr Bond

This page shows the 10-year bonds to be issued and the 10-year bonds that have been issued.

Series Maturity
(billion yen)
Terms and
855 10 0.963 100 100 11-Sep-2024 24-Sep-2024 20-Jun-2034
854 10 0.923 100 200 9-Aug-2024 21-Aug-2024 20-Jun-2034
853 10 1.083 100 100 19-Jul-2024 30-Jul-2024 20-Jun-2034
852 10 1.046 100 200 12-June-2024 21-June-2024 17-Mar-2034
851 10 1.018 100 200 15-May-2024 24-May-2024 17-Mar-2034
850 10 0.942 100 200 17-Apl-2024 26-Apl-2024 17-Mar-2034
849 10 0.854 100 290 14-Mar-2024 26-Mar-2024 20-Dec-2033
848 10 0.805 100 200 15-Feb-2024 27-Feb-2024 20-Dec-2033
847 10 0.694 100 200 17-Jan-2024 26-Jan-2024 20-Dec-2033
846 10 0.807 100 200 13-Dec-2023 22-Dec-2023 20-Sep-2033
845 10 0.880 100 200 15-Nov-2023 27-Nov-2023 20-Sep-2033
844 10 0.894 100 200 18-Oct-2023 27-Oct-2023 20-Sep-2033
843 10 0.800 100 200 15-Sep-2023 27-Sep-2023 20-Jun-2033
842 10 0.739 100 200 9-Aug-2023 21-Aug-2023 20-Jun-2033
841 10 0.678 100 200 14-Jul-2023 26-Jul-2023 20-Jun-2033
840 10 0.676 100 200 14-Jun-2023 23-Jun-2023 18-Mar-2033
839 10 0.657 100 200 18-May-2023 29-May-2023 18-Mar-2033
838 10 0.750 100 200 14-Apr-2023 25-Apr-2023 18-Mar-2033

Neither the information nor the opinions herein constitute, or are to be construed as, an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or buy the securities referred to herein. You are therefore reminded that Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, the contents of this material. All the necessary information to make your investment decision must be obtained from banks or securities firms who solicit the concerned securities to you.

10yr Bond Back UP Data
