Tokyo Green and Blue Bonds

Tokyo Green and Blue Bonds

The TMG began issuing Tokyo Green Bonds in FY2017, the first such endeavor by a local government in Japan, and upgraded to Tokyo Green and Blue Bonds in FY2024.

Issuance Results

List of investors who declared investment in Tokyo Green Bonds

This is the list of investors who emphasized with the significance of the issuance of Tokyo Green Bonds and declared investment in it.


External Review(pre-issuance)

To ensure the competency and transparency of the Tokyo Green Bonds, the external review is obtained from ISS Corporate Solutions.(The results are the views by the SPO provider, not the ones by TMG.)

Anouncement of decision regarding eligible projects for the Tokyo Green Bonds

Announcement of Financial Allocation Results of Eligible Projects for Tokyo Green Bonds

Impact Report

This is the report to show the situation and environmental impacts of projects that were allocated funds raised through Tokyo Green Bonds.

External Review(post-issuance)
